


李诗杰,女,博士,副教授、博士生导师,198812月生,20171月至今任教于武汉理工大学交通与物流工程学院。主要从事船舶自动驾驶决策控制、系统仿真优化的相关研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、国家重点研发计划项目课题1项、子课题1项,国家重点实验室开放基金与武汉理工大学自主创新基金等项目2项,作为课题骨干参与国家级和省部级课题多项,发表高影响因子SCI论文近40篇、中文核心期刊10余篇,EI收录会议论文20余篇,授权发明专利近30项;获2023年智能交通协会技术发明二等奖,2024武汉理工大学技术发明一等奖,获评国内外重要学术会议优秀论文2篇,担任《Ocean Engineering》客座编辑,《Applied Ocean Research》、《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》等国际期刊审稿专家。





















     (1)Jialun Liu, Chengqi Xu, Shijie Li*, et al, Event-triggered ADRC-MFAC for intelligent tugs in escort operations with a thrust re-allocation strategy, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 156, 106237, 2025

    (2)Nan Lin, Xinping Yan, Jialun Liu & Shijie Li, Towards reliable control takeover in ship remote-control system: a cyber-physical fusion testing approach. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology[J], 2024, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1080/20464177.2024.2440171

    (3)Fan Yang, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li* & Xinjue Hu, Minimum jerk motion planning for maritime autonomous surface ships based on Bézier curves. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology[J], 2024, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1080/20464177.2024.2434331

    (4)Shijie Li, Taixu Liu, Jialun Liu, Xinjue Hu & Wenhe Shen, Trajectory tracking for autonomous surface ships using Gaussian process regression and model predictive control with BVS strategy, Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology [J], 2024, Nov 3, DOI:10.1080/20464177.2024.2423418

    (5)Wenhe Shen, Xinjue Hu, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Hongdong Wang, A pre-trained multi-step prediction informer for ship motion prediction with a mechanism-data dual-driven framework, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence [J], vol. 139, Part A, 109523, 2025

    (6)Xu You, Xinping Yan, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Yunda Yan, Yuanchang Liu. Time-efficient model predictive control for autonomous tugs with adaptive input constraints. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 312, 119345

    (7)Shijie Li, Ziqian Xu, Jialun Liu, Keji Zhou, Xinjue Hu, Design and implementation of a model-following controller for autonomous surface ships based on actor–critic reinforcement learning, Ocean Engineering [J], 312, 119157, 2024.

    (8)Jialun Liu, Fan Yang, Shijie Li*, Yaqiong Lv, Xinjue Hu. Testing and evaluation for intelligent navigation of ships: Current status, possible solutions, and challenges, Ocean Engineering [J], 295, 116969, 2024.

    (9)Yaqiong Lv, Xueting Yang, Yifan Li, Jialun Liu*, Shijie Li, Fault detection and diagnosis of marine diesel engines: A systematic review, Ocean Engineering [J], 294, 116798, 2024.

   (10)Wenhe Shen, Jianxi Yao, Xinjue Hu*, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Ship dynamics model identification based on Semblance least square support vector machine [J]. Ocean Engineering, 287, 115908, 2023. SCI, JCR Q1.

   (11)Song Zhang, Qing Wu, Jialun Liu*, Shijie Li, Hironori Yasukawa. Impact of bulbous bow shapes on hydrodynamic derivatives due to hybrid drifting and circular motion tests, Ocean Engineering [J], 289, 116182, 2023. SCI, JCR Q1.

   (12)Song Zhang, Qing Wu, Jialun Liu*, Yangying He, Shijie Li. State-of-the-Art Review and Future Perspectives on Maneuvering Modeling for Automatic Ship Berthing, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering [J], 11(9), 1824, 2023. SCI, JCR Q1.

   (13)Jialun Liu, Lingli Xie, Shijie Li*, et al. Design of variable stability ship control system for ship intelligent navigation test[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2023, 18(3): 38–47, 74.

   (14)Shijie Li, Ziqian Xu, Jialun Liu*, Xu You, Xinjue Hu, Towards the Testing and Validation of Autonomous Ships: Design of a Variable Stability Ship Control System, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering [J], 11 (7), 1274, 2023. SCI, JCR Q1.

   (15)Shijie Li, Chengqi Xu, Jialun Liu*, Xu You, Xinjue Hu. Time-optimal coordination of multiple entering and departing ferries in terminals based on decentralized learning model predictive control [J]. Ocean Engineering, 283, 115097, 2023. SCI, JCR Q1.

   (16)Shijie Li, Chengqi Xu, Jialun Liu*, Bing Han, Data-driven docking control of autonomous double-ended ferries based on iterative learning model predictive control [J]. Ocean Engineering, 273, 113994, 2023.

   (17)Le Wang,Shijie Li, Jialun Liu*, Yuanchao Hu, Qing Wu, Design and implementation of a testing platform for ship control: A case study on the optimal switching controller for ship motion [J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 178, 103427, 2023.

   (18)Shijie Li, Chengqi Xu, Jialun Liu*, Data-driven model predictive control of underactuated ships with unknown dynamics in confined waterways[J]. Journal of Navigation, 75(6), 1389-1409, 2022.

   (19)Shijie Li, Ziqian Xu, Jialun Liu*, Chengqi Xu, Learning-based Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Addressing Path-following Problem of Underactuated Ships with Unknown Dynamics[J], International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 20(12), 4076-4089, 2022.

   (20)Le Wang, Shijie Li*, Jialun Liu, Qing Wu, Data-driven path-following control of underactuated ships based on antenna mutation beetle swarm predictive reinforcement learning[J]. Applied Ocean Research, 124, 1032707, 2022.

   (21)Le Wang, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu*, Qing Wu, Rudy R. Negenborn, Ship Docking and Undocking Control with Adaptive-Mutation Beetle Swarm Prediction Algorithm[J]. Ocean Engineering, 251, 111021, 2022.

  (22)Le Wang, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu*, Qing Wu, Data-driven model identification and predictive control for path-following of underactuated ships with unknown dynamics[J]. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 10445, 2022.

   (23)Song Zhang, Qing Wu,JialunLiu*,YangyingHe,ShijieLi.Twin-screw ASD tug maneuvering prediction based on integrated CFD and empirical methods, Ocean Engineering [J], 269,113489, 2022

   (24)Song Zhang, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Hironori Yasukawa, Qing Wu, Impact of bow shapes on hydrodynamic derivatives due to drifting conditions[J]. Ocean Engineering, 245, 110347, 2022.

   (25)Xu You, Xinping Yan, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Rudy R. Negenborn, Adaptive neural sliding mode control for heterogeneous ship formation keeping considering uncertain dynamics and disturbance[J]. Ocean Engineering, 263, 112268, 2022.

   (26)Suli Lu, Xide Cheng, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Hironori Yasukawa, Qing Wu, Maneuvering modeling of a twin-propeller twin-rudder inland container vessel based on integrated CFD and empirical methods[J]. Applied Ocean Research, 126, 103261, 2022.

   (27)Jialun Liu, Robert Hekkenberg, Shijie Li*, A Design flow of rudder configurations based on maneuvering simulations[J]. Journal of Ship Research, 2020: 64 (3), 278-297.

   (28)Shijie Li, Jialun Liu, Rudy R. Negenborn, Qing Wu. Automatic docking for underactuated ships based on multi-objective nonlinear model predictive control[J]. IEEE Access, 2020: 8, 70044-70057.

   (29)Shijie Li, Jialun Liu, Rudy R. Negenborn, Feng Ma. Optimizing the joint collision avoidance operations of multiple ships from an overall perspective[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019:191, 106511.

   (30)Shijie Li, Jialun Liu, Rudy R. Negenborn. Distributed coordination for collision avoidance of multiple ships considering ship maneuverability[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019:181, 212-226.

   (31)Shijie Li, Rudy R. Negenborn, Gabriel Lodewijks, Planning inland vessel operations in large seaports using a two-phase approach[J], Computers & Industrial Engineering, 106: 41-57(2017).

   (32)Shijie Li, Rudy R. Negenborn, Gabriel Lodewijks, Closed-loop coordination of inland vessels operations in large seaports using hybrid logic-based Benders decomposition[J], Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 97: 1-21, 2017.

   (33)Shijie Li, Rudy R. Negenborn, Gabriel Lodewijks, Approach integrating mixed-integer programming and constraint programming for planning rotations of inland vessels in a large seaport[J], Transportation Research Record, 2549: 1-8, 2016.

   (34)Shijie Li, Rudy R. Negenborn, Gabriel Lodewijks, Distributed constraint optimization methods for addressing vessel rotation planning problems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence[J], 48: 159-172, 2016.

   (35)Le Wang, Qing Wu, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Rudy R. Negenborn. State-of-the-art research on motion control of maritime autonomous surface ships. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering[J], vol. 7, no. 12, 2019.

   (36)Le Wang, Qing Wu, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Rudy R. Negenborn. Ship motion control  based on AMBPS-PID algorithm[J]. IEEE Access, vol.7, no.1, pp. 183656-183671, 2019.

   (37)李晨,严新平,刘佳仑,黄亚敏,李诗杰.船舶远程驾驶人机主从博弈控制方法研究[J].交通运输系统工程与信息, 2024, 24(3): 21-31.

   (38)李诗杰,何家伟,刘佳仑,刘泰序.基于L1-GPR的船舶航向航迹控制方法研究[J].中国舰船研究. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.03888

   (39)李诗杰,刘泰序,刘佳仑,董智霖,徐诚祺.基于GRU-MPC的双全回转推进拖轮轨迹跟踪控制(网络首发)[J].上海交通大学学报, doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2024.146.

   (40)李诗杰,刘泰序,刘佳仑,.基于MPC-IMFAC的船舶路径跟随控制方法研究(网络首发)[J].中国舰船研究, 2024, 19(X): 1–9. DOI:  10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.03629

   (41)刘佳仑,杨帆,谢玲利,李诗杰*,王腾飞 .面向智能航行避碰决策与规划的虚拟仿真测试技术研究[J].系统仿真学报, 2024, 36(8): 1780-1789.

   (42)李诗杰,徐诚祺,刘佳仑*,徐子茜,孟凡彬.船舶自抗扰无模型自适应航迹控制[J].中国舰船研究, 2024, 19(1): 280–289.

   (43)刘佳仑,董智霖,李诗杰*,游旭,胡英俊.基于改进反步滑模控制算法的拖轮自主靠泊控制[J].中国舰船研究, 2023, 19(1): 119–127. 中文核心

   (44)刘佳仑,谢玲利,李诗杰*,杨帆.面向船舶智能航行测试的变稳船系统设计与控制方法研究[J],中国舰船研究, 2023, 18(03):1-11. 中文核心

2. 代表性会议论文

   (1)Shijie Li, Yang Li, Xinjue Hu, Jialun Liu et al, Path-following control of autonomous tugs based on Gaussian process regression and arithmetic optimization algorithm, 3rd Conference on Fully Actuated System Theory and Applications (FASTA 2024), Shenzhen, China, May 10-12, 2024, pp. 1234-1241.

  (2)Yue Yu, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu*, Xinjue Hu, Hongxu Guan, Design of an Experimental Framework for Testing and Evaluation of Autonomous Ships Based on the Turing Test, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 1443-1451, Xi'an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI.

  (3)Guohui Wang, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu, Xinjue Hu*, Hongxu Guan, Survey on Ship Berthing Control: Current Status and Future Perspectives, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 1417-1423, Xi'an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI.

  (4)Taixu Liu, Shijie Li, Xinjue Hu*, Hongxu Guan, Jialun Liu, Survey on existing technologies in autopilot systems: current status and future perspectives, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 1409-1416, Xi'an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI.

  (5)Jiawei He, Shijie Li, Hongxu Guan*, Xinjue Hu, Jialun Liu, Ship Heading Control Based on Model Reference Adaptive Control, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 1437-1442, Xi'an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI.

  (6)Xu You, Shijie Li*, Jialun Liu, Xinping Yan, Experimental research of the PID tune method for ship path following control, The 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2023), Ottawa, Canada, June 18-23, 2023

  (7)Chengqi Xu, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu*, Ziqian Xu, Path following control of the underactuated ship based on redefined output model-free adaptive control, 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2022), pp 2375-2381, Hefei, China, July 25-27, 2022. (EI).

  (8)Ziqian Xu, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu*, Chengqi Xu, Cooperative path planning of multiple entering and departing vessels in restricted port pools, 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2022) [C], pp 2003-2009, Hefei, China, July 25-27, 2022. (EI).

  (9)Zhilin Dong, Jialun Liu, Chen Li, Shijie Li*, Classification, Design, and Challenges of Unmanned Ships in Marine Transportation, 6th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2021) [C], Wuhan, China, October 23-24, 2021. EI.

  (10)Pei Zhang, Jialun Liu, Lingli Xie, Shijie Li*, Dynamic system identification of underactuated ship dynamics based on Gaussian process regression, 6th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2021) [C], Wuhan, China, October 23-24, 2021. EI.

  (11)Fan Yang, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Feng Ma, Virtual-Real interaction testing for functions of intelligent ships, 12thSymposium on High-Performance Marine Vehicles (HIPER 2020) [C], pp. 194-200, Cortona, Itay, October 12-14, 2020.

  (12)Chen Li, Xinping Yan, Shijie Li* , Jialun Liu, Feng Ma, Survey on ship autonomous docking methods: current status and future aspects, 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2020) [C], pp 3733-3709, Shanghai, China, October 11-16, 2020.

  (13)Shijie Li, Jialun Liu, Xuming Wang, Hongxu Guan, Optimizing the anti-collision decisions between multiple ships based on predictive risk evaluations, 5th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2019)[C], Liverpool, United Kingdom, July 14-17, 2019: 1395-1399. (EI).

  (14)Shijie Li, Jialun Liu, Yu Zhang, Lanbo Zheng, A distributed coordination strategy for multiple ships to avoid collisions in close quarter situations based on ship maneuverability, 48th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE 48), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2-5, 2018.

  (15)Shijie Li, Rudy R. Negenborn, Jialun Liu. Stimulating inland waterway transport between seaports and the hinterland from a coordination perspective, 9th International Conference on Computational Logistics, ICCL 2018, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 2018.10.1-2018.10.3

  (16)Shijie LiJialun Liu, Xiaohua Cao, Yu Zhang. A novel method for solving collision avoidance problem in multiple ships encounter situations9th International Conference on Computational Logistics, ICCL 2018, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 2018.10.1-2018.10.3

  (17)Shijie LiRudy R. NegenbornGabriel LodewijksA logic-based Benders decomposition approach to improve coordination of inland vessels for inter-terminal transport7th International Conference on Computational Logistics, ICCL 2016Lisbon, Portugal2016.9.7-2016.9.9

  (18)Shijie LiRudy R. NegenbornGabriel LodewijksA two phase approach or inter-terminal transport of inland vessels using preference-based and utility-based coordination rules6th International Conference on Computational Logistics, ICCL 2015Delft, The Netherlands2015.9.23-2016.9.23

  (19)Shjie LiHuarong ZhengRudy R. NegenbornGabriel LodewijksCoordination for efficient transport overwater19th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2015Calabria, Italy2015.5.6-2015.5.8

   (20)Shijie LiRudy R. NegenbornGabriel LodewijksVessel rotation planning: A layered distributed constraint optimization approach7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2015Lisbon, Portugal2015.1.10-2015.1.12

   (21)Shijie LiRudy R. NegenbornGabriel LodewijksA distributed constraint optimization approach for vessel rotation planning, 5th International Conference on Computational Logistics, ICCL 2014Valparaiso, Chile2014.9.24-2014.9.26

   (22)Shijie LiRudy R. NegenbornGabriel LodewijksSurvey on planning problems in inland waterway transport: Current status and future perspectives16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2013)The Hague, The Netherlands2013.10.6-2013.10.9

   (23)Le Wang, Qing Wu, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu, Ship Course Control based on BAS Self-Optimizing PID Algorithm[C], International Conference on Marine Simulation and Ship Maneuverability (MARSIM 2018), August 11-16, 2018, Halifax, Canada.

3. 学术专著

Shijie Li, Coordinated Planning of Inland Vessels for Large Seaports, TRAIL Research School, ISBN 978-94-6233-5622, pp. 1-198., 2016.12.13

4. 代表性项目


(2)智能航行系统试验验证体系构建与系统研发,2022YFB4301402,科学技术部,国家重点研发计划, 2023.04-2026.3, 子课题负责人,在研.

(3)拖轮自主伴航智能技术及测试验证研究,2022YFE0125200,科学技术部,国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”专项, 2023.01-2025.12, 课题负责人,在研.












    (6)李诗杰,董智霖,刘佳仑,马枫,一种船舶过闸调度方法、系统和存储介质.专利号: ZL 201911101389. 8. 授权公告日: 2022-08-16.

    (7)李诗杰,董智霖,刘佳仑,马枫.一种船舶行驶轨迹的控制方法、系统、装置和存储介质.专利号: ZL 202010428642. 7. 授权公告日: 2022-04-22.

    (8)李诗杰,刘佳仑,马枫,严新平,一种多船碰撞预测方法、系统和存储介质.专利号: ZL 201911102671. 8 授权公告日: 2022-01-19.

    (9)李诗杰,董智霖,刘佳仑,马枫.一种船舶编队的航行轨迹控制方法、系统和存储介质.专利号:ZL 202010301097.5, 授权公告日:2021-07-13.

   (10)李诗杰,李晨,吴青,刘佳仑,严新平.一种用于船舶靠泊的磁性岸端协同装置.专利号: ZL 201911158241.8,授权公告日:2020-11-10.

   (11)李诗杰,李晨,吴青,刘佳仑,严新平.一种智能船舶靠泊用的岸端牵引装置.专利号:ZL 201911158228.2,授权公告日:2020-10-16.



   (14)刘佳仑,游旭,马枫,李诗杰.船舶避障路径规划方法、装置及存储介质.专利号: ZL202110199396.7. 授权公告日: 2023-04-18.

   (15)刘佳仑,沈文何,刘正国,李诗杰, 3D打印坐标集处理方法、3D打印方法和系统.专利号: ZL202110009458.3. 授权公告日: 2023-03-24.

   (16)刘佳仑,秦祥祥,李晨,李诗杰,船舶路径规划方法、系统和存储介质.专利号: ZL202011557403.8.授权公告日:2023-03-17.

   (17)刘佳仑,谢玲利,李诗杰,马枫,船舶编队航行控制方法、系统和存储介质.专利号: ZL202010488099.X. 授权公告日: 2022-11-04.

   (18)刘佳仑,王乐,李诗杰,谢玲利,张培,吴青,基于亨利气体溶解度的船舶控制方法、系统和存储介质.专利号: ZL202110170522.6. 授权公告日: 2022-07-12.

   (19)刘佳仑,谢玲利,李诗杰,王乐,张培.变稳船的控制系统和方法.专利号: ZL202110149595.7. 授权公告日: 2022-05-10.

   (20)刘佳仑,谢玲利,李诗杰,王乐,张培.变稳船自适应变稳控制方法、系统和存储介质.专利号: ZL202110149590.4. 授权公告日: 2022-04-26.

   (21)刘佳仑,阚瑾瑜,李诗杰,卢苏立.顶推船舶阻力优化系统和方法.专利号: ZL202110086876.2. 授权公告日: 2022-04-22.

   (22)刘佳仑,卢苏立,李诗杰,马枫,基于无人机的船舶操纵性能检测方法、系统和存储介质.专利号: ZL202010829610.8. 授权公告日: 2022-02-22.

   (23)刘佳仑,王乐,李诗杰,谢玲利,张培,吴青,一种船舶运动的控制方法、系统、装置及存储介质.专利号: ZL202110175938.7. 授权公告日: 2022-03-18.

   (24)刘佳仑,沈文何,刘正国,李诗杰,分区域切片方法、3D打印方法、装置和存储介质.专利号: ZL202110223371.6. 授权公告日: 2022-02-08.

   (25)刘佳仑,张培,李诗杰,船舶路径跟踪的控制方法、系统和存储介质.专利号: ZL202011557563.2. 授权公告日: 2022-01-13.

   (26)刘佳仑,李晨,严新平,李诗杰,马枫,一种船舶自主靠离泊控制方法、系统、装置及存储介质,专利号: ZL202010547860.2. 授权公告日: 2020-06-16.

   (27)李诗杰,徐诚祺,刘佳仑,徐子茜,董智霖,陈然,基于无模型自适应算法的船舶运动控制软件V1. 0, 2022SR1309351, 2022.

   (28)李诗杰,徐子茜,刘佳仑,董智霖,陈然,徐诚祺,受限港池多船靠离泊路径规划软件V1. 0, 2022SR1309352, 2022.

6. 获奖情况


2024年武汉理工大学科学技术奖 技术发明一等奖


2024IEEE 10th International Conference on Underwater System TechnologyTheory and Applciations, 优秀论文



2021年湖北省大学生创新训练项目 基于图像识别的新型防欺骗称量装置(S202110497199





8. 课程讲授


9. 学术兼职

Ocean Engineering客座编辑


Applied Ocean Research, Computers and Industrial EngineeringComputers and Operations ResearchEuropean Journal of Industrial Engineering等国际期刊审稿人

ICCL 20162018分会主席、USYS 2024分会主席
