姓 名:祖巧红
性 别:女
2002/07–今, 武汉理工大学,交通与物流工程学院工作
1) 2013年参与的项目获得教育部科技进步二等奖;
3) 2012年获得教育部科研成果二等奖。
4)作为第一作者发表的论文《A multi-factor customer classification evaluation model》被国际期刊录用,SCI检索,并获得湖北省第十四届科学优秀学生论文三等奖,湖北省机械工程学会评为优秀学术论文特等。
6) 2013年,指导的硕士论文《基于物联网的反应釜节能减排监控系统关键技术研究》获得校级优秀硕士论文;
7) 2014年,指导的学士论文《基于物联网的远程监控系统数据智能采集与处理研究》获得湖北省优秀学士论文;
8)企业委托项目,2010-2011年 江苏万方物流与物联网技术研发中心主任,主持“金锐达汽车零配件仓储管理系统” ,“江苏省盐城市物联网智能小区系统”等物联网技术应用类项目的设计与研发。
9)企业委托项目,2008-2010年 主持完成武汉市科技攻关项目“科技信息申报系统”第一、二期的研发。
10)企业委托项目,2010年 主持研发完成“中储汉口分公司仓储管理系统”
11)企业委托项目,2006-2008年参与“十一.五”国家科技支撑计划项目“现代物流综合管理关键技术及平台” (2006BAH02A06),该项目2012年获得教育部科研成果二等奖。研发了“客户在线分析挖掘系统”;
3)祖巧红#,徐晓霞*,毛一超,汽车零部件立体仓库货位优化问题研究,图学学报:贮藏运输,2015,36(02):312 ~ 317
4)祖巧红#,张海峰*,徐兴玉,尹莹,基于物联网的桥梁健康监控系统设计与实现,图学学报:2013,34(05):7 ~ 11
5) Qiaohong Zu#, Bo Hu, Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Pervasive Computing and the Networked World, Journal Of Internet Technology, 2015,16(06): 1109 ~ 1110
6) Qiaohong Zu#, Ting Wu*, Hui Wang.A multi-factor customer classification evaluation model, Computing and Informatics, 2010,29(4), 509~520.
7) Qiaohong Zu#, Jiangming Wu*, Big Data Analysis of Reviews on E-Commerce Based on Hadoop, International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2017, Kazan, Russia Federation, 2017.08.07-08.09
8) Qiaohong Zu#, Rui Chen*, Research on Information Security Technology and Application in Logistics Traceability System of Aquatic Products Based on QR Code, International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2017, Kazan, Russia Federation, 2017.08.07-08.09
9) Qiaohong Zu#, Rui Ma* , Aquatic Product Traceability Bar Code Generation Based on Barcode and Print Services to Verify, 2nd International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2016 , Moratuwa , Sri Lanka, 2016.01.07-01.09
10) Qiaohong Zu#, Yinglie Lv* , The Design of the Tracing of Aquatic Products Production Based on PDA, 2nd International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2016 , Moratuwa , Sri Lanka, 2016.01.07-01.09
11) Qiaohong Zu#, Lian Liu* , The Information Encryption Design and Application of the Aquatic Product Tracing Process, 2nd International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2016 , Moratuwa , Sri Lanka, 2016.01.07-01.09
12) Qiaohong Zu#, Xiaochang Liu* Research and Application on Aquatic Products Traceability System Based on EPC Coding, 2nd International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2016 , Moratuwa , Sri Lanka, 2016.01.07-01.09
13) Qiaohong Zu#, Xiaoxue Wu*, Xingyu Xu, Intelligent Data Acquisition and Processing of Remote Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things, 1st International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2014, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2014.11.27-11.29
14) Qiaohong Zu#, Xiaoyu Yang*, Wenling Xie, Data Encryption for Remote Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things in Mobile Mode, 1st International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2014, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2014.11.27-11.29
15) Qiaohong Zu#, Bin Sun*, Optimization of Order Picking Work Flow at the E-commerce Logistics Centers, 1st International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2014, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2014.11.27-11.29
16) Qiaohong Zu#, Xiaoxia Xu*, Fang Guo, Middleware Design of the Intelligent Management System, 1st International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2014, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2014.11.27 ~ 11.29
17) Qiaohong Zu#, Ting Wu*, Application of radio frequency positioning technology in TDOA system based on improved genetic algorithm, 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA10, 2010
18) Qiaohong Zu#, Hui Wang*, The application study in business process management based on intelligent objects technology, 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA10, 2010
19) Qiaohong Zu, Big Data Analysis of Reviews on E-Commerce Based on Hadoop, International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2017, Kazan, Russia Federation, 2017.08.07-08.09
20) Qiaohong Zu, Aquatic Product Traceability Bar Code Generation Based on Barcode and Print Services to Verify, 2nd International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2016 , Moratuwa , Sri Lanka, 2016.01.07-01.09
21) Qiaohong Zu, Intelligent Data Acquisition and Processing of Remote Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things, 1st International Conference on Human Centered Computing, HCC 2014, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2014.11.27-11.29.